Well tomorrow has COME AND GONE

Nov 14, 2004 16:01

Misery Signals kickin ass and takin names.

::CAUTION LONG ENTRY:: all comments greatly appreciated

Well today is Sunday the day of rest. I only half believe that now that I had to rewrite this entire entry which I dont consider very restful writing. Today is the day of either sitting around and doing nothing, doing homework, or updating. Well this entry has been awhile in the making. Every time i went to write an update either I couldnt find a good picture or had nothing to write to go along with a good picture. So thats a satisfactory picture to a good band and this is a satisfactory entry to a good two weeks.

Last weekend was filled with the usual Festivities. Wreaking some mediocre havoc at the Movie Gallery, Giant, and Mcdonalds. Then off to Jp's to enjoy some Jungle Juice induced Fun. All and All was good until the "biting incident" as it shall be referred to as. Hopefully we can blame this on the first time kevin has gotten sick from drinking haha.

This school week went fairly well got the report card and had a 3.5 GPA. I also found out that the Incomplete Ruisz gave me was actually a good grade that will keep my gpa at a 3.5 thank god. English is still boring as hell but classes have been passing by a little faster than a snails pace. I bombed a Chem test but it shouldnt be that hard to pull my grade back up with a few easy a's. Williams also gave me A's in both the classes I have her as a teacher for, and I think its primarily because im the only upperclassmen bass really.

Pretty much all week was preparing for thursday and Coffee House. This was the first time I would sing infront of a crowd by myeself and I doubt i'll ever forget it. While singing Moondance the crowd gave me some great response and I pushed my voice even harder and I think it turned out pretty decent. I really enjoyed preforming the three songs me paul and kyle had worked on especially after practicing for something like two months straight.

Friday was the show at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church with the kids from q-town and it was definitely fun. Our friends band TheBlackRoseAftermath was real good and I didnt find out till afterwords it was only thier first show. The next band was real interesting they were nomads dressed like pirates the only downside of that was the whole not showering thing. Their music was real badass almost kindof tribal like. One-21 wasnt anything special or original they sounded like they had clash rhythm and drums, Mxpx bass, and Anti-flag sounding jock rock vocals including a sing along chorus but they did make me want to dance. The next band Full Surrender was weird but I enjoyed them alot they were on acoustic guitars, the drummer played bongos and even had a bongo snare!! The bassist played out of an ashton amp making him super smooth. The vocals were real badass because the guys turned their mics down because they had big voices and there was some real crisp screaming which I love. The whole time the bassist was rocking his ass off making it real enjoyable. I only got to see a bit of mercury radio theater so im still kindof cliffhanger on them but what I saw was interesting.

Well something has come out of Left field and im real unsure about how to approach it but im happy its there none the less. In these situations I usually resolve in attacking it head on which is what im planning on doing monday. Kevin said he heard the best things come out of left field in some movie he saw. Going on that im real hopeful. This is just simply amazing im sure all of you who dont know what im talking of will find out what this was about soon enough.

Sincerely Trindle,
::(: 8==D :)::
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