Sep 06, 2009 03:20
It's no secret that 9-1-1 can get overwhelmed with calls so that emergency calls have to hold until someone can get off the phone with the emergency they're already taking care of to answer the new emergency call. This is one of the reasons we tend to scream incoherently and make threatening motions whenever the city threatens to downsize our already-understaffed workforce.
But I think perhaps it's taking it entirely too far that the next county over has distortion guitar as hold music and a recording talking about how 9-1-1 is hiring.
Said by coworker just now: "Gee, when I recover from my heart attack, I think I'm going to be a 911 dispatcher, that job sounds great!"
To which academy-buddy Topher retorted: "Who among us hasn't talked to a complainant and though, 'Man, I'd really love to work with them!'"
I move we add a question to the initial hiring application.
Have you ever called 9-1-1? Y / N
If yes, how many times? (Excluding calls for business-related problems)
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Three to five times
(d) Five to ten times*
(e) More than ten times**
*If (d), briefly explain circumstances of each call in space provided (no more than 5 sentences per call).
**If (e), discontinue application and exit the premises.
dispatch humor