Jun 07, 2004 12:09
Whats shakin bacon? The sun is shining! Its incredible!!! I wanna go running or play in a park.
Today is the greatest day I've ever known... sorry its on the radio right now and it really is how I'm feeling right now.
This weekend was out of the ordinary. Yesterday was suprisingly fantastic/ awful. haha ya. Thanks for coming! Awesome to see you ALL, you mean soo much!
I love that I still smell like campfire. I hope I go camping this summer, more than anything. I love that the Pistons showed up the Lakers. I love that I have the BEST family in the world. I love that I'm going to college next year where I'll really begin to live. I love that this isn't making any sense.
I hope you're Happy. I mean really. Theres so much to deal with in this life, its ridiculous how many people are able to survive, but its beyond possible. It may hurt to breathe, but know that you're surrounded by beauty, take a moment and be happy, for you, not for the world.