I corrected two fafsa things, my own and my brothers... filled out the first part of my online Upperclassmen housing thing. Talked with a nice lady in Athens who helped me sort out my insane life a bit. Form wise, nothing else. Mom and I had the underwear discussion while hovered near my computer.
Oh yes, and Next Tuesday, little brother has Spring concert and the Sunday after that, he graduates. Much joy rocks the Oakey house because He hasn't been expelled yet.
scrymnstrs I was hoping to catch you at class today, were you baby sitting or just out communing with nature again. I need to know if you can cover my June 3 class for me. If I see you Thursday, *crossed fingers*, I'll explain a bit more about what's going on.
I'm quite looking forward to the weekend again, because by then I'll have found the meaning of life... ok well that's not exactly true. But hopefully I'll have finished all the important stuff for Housing next quarter.
Dande Estada Mr. Robata? I really would like to know the answer to that question, cause I think he ran off with It.
How's it Going? It's gone somewhere... with someone... to do something. *grin* Answers are so not forthcomig anymore.
I've got a few more minutes to track down paperwork, maybe get some chocolate and diet soda... and look over the other schedule I picked up in case all goes badly.