Five things I don't understand about my boyfriend

Jun 07, 2004 14:40

These are the five things I don't understand about my boyfriend:

* He's hopelessly shy and self-conscious.
I guess that sort of reminds me of myself 12 months ago, but I've somehow turned around to being a total extrovert within my circle of friends. Cue freaky transformation sequence...

* He worries about everything he does.
This one sort of goes with being a perfectionist, doesn't it? I'd call myself a perfectionist, but not about *everything*...

* He's indecisive to the extreme.
Damnit... Make a decision! Make a decision! I don't want to have to! >.<

* With his diverse interests, how come he hasn't done more?
OK. Maybe I do understand this one. It goes with working hard and not having enough hours left over to pursue your interests AND relax properly.

* He's intelligent, caring, good-looking, funny, and has good taste.
Why on earth was he still available when I came along?! Hellooo?!
(Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I think I'm very, very lucky.) =^_^=
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