My Votes Are Out of the Closet

Nov 03, 2008 22:03

I'm not a political pundit, thank God, but here's what's on my ballot, for better or for worse.

For President -- Barack Obama (big surprise there...)

For all other offices I'm voting along party lines. Boring, but I didn't feel like spending a lot of time researching options I'd probably choose in the end anyway.

On the Propositions:

Prop 1 -- Yes -- cost schmost, let's have some fast trains!
Prop 2 -- Yes -- be nice to the animals you're going to slaughter
Prop 3 -- abstained
Prop 4 -- No -- Parental notification before abortion promotes back-alley badness
Prop 5 -- Yes -- Give nonviolent drug offenders a chance
Prop 6 -- No -- Creating new crimes is a bad way to reduce crime.
Prop 7 -- No -- I'm all for renewable energy, but this is not the way.
Prop 8 -- No -- Let 'em suffer with the rest of us. (seriously though, this would be a horrible step back for human rights.)
Prop 9 -- No -- Prison-Industrial Complex = Bad Mojo
Prop 10 -- No -- Rebates? Seriously? There's definitely a better way.
Prop 11 -- Yes -- Redistricting should be egalitarian and devoid of conflicts of interest, and I think this will be an improvement.
Prop 12 -- Yes -- Who cares if they were never put in harms way -- they showed a willingness to be, and that in itself is worth the nod of respect. And it's not like we'd be paying their mortgages for them.

For the local stuff I'll only mention that I'm totally in favor of the BART extension.

All that being said, I hope you'll all be voting tomorrow, if you haven't already done so. And if you know any undecideds, badger them until they agree to at least vote on something. There's too much important stuff on the ballot, not even including the whole presidential thing, for anyone to be excused for not caring.


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