Feb 12, 2003 10:49
I just got off the line with MCI.
I was talking to them about my phone line, which they disconnected.
first, I changed over to MCI from SBC about 2 months ago. kept my old number, old address, etc.
after 2 months without billing, they call to inform me that I owe $50. I tell them my real address, they verify it, and inform me that everything will be fine.
2 days later, my phone is disconnected.
so I call them, to ask them why, and find out that it's because they still have the wrong number. I give them my new number again, verify it three or four times, and pay them over the phone line with my credit card so that they'll reconnect my line in 48 hours, rather than 10 days (if they mailed me the bill).
then they inform me that I also owe $180 for another phone number, which I've never heard of, in an area code I've never lived in, and is supposed to be billed in Spanish, which is being billed to me, again with the wrong address (which is why I never recieved the bill).
apparently, Marbella Sanchez, of 862 Melba Rd, Encinitas, CA (about 20 miles north of san diego), started up the phone number 760-043-***** in january 2001, billed in her name, and in december of 2002, the billing was transferred into my name. With everything correct but my address, which was off by one number. Whether she changed the billing, or if it was a computer fluke, is unknown. Someone is still using the phone number though, because they changed some of their options (long distance, caller waiting, etc.) just a week or so ago.
It took me about 45 minutes, and three different people in different departments, each successively more specialized, to figure this out, and get them to remove me from $180 debt to MCI.
question is, should I call up this Marbella Sanchez character and see if I can figure out what the hell happened?
I don't speak spanish, otherwise, I'd probably do it.