Jan 31, 2005 17:27
This morning I had my scheduled NST (non stress test) at 9 am. Mom and I arrived at the Family Birthing Center at 8:45 am, and I got checked in for the appointment. We were at the FBC until 12 noon because little Courtney wasn't that active, she did moved occassionally but not as much as my doctor would have liked.
Then this afternoon, at my 2:45 pm doctor appointment, my doctor lifted the bedrest totally..and if I'm able to drive a car, I can (but in my doctor's words, she mentioned that if the seatbelt can't go around me, then I can't drive). She also told me that I can't go shopping at the mall for 6 hours straight. Since December 30th, (the day that I was admitted to the hospital), my doctor informed me that I wasn't able to go to church, well now, she said that I can go!!! I'm happy!! I miss going to the weekly services and will be very careful. *sigh* (this has been a long day for me!)
She informed me that little Courtney is now 5 pounds and that she expects a VERY normal delivery on or around my due date...(she mentioned that if Courtney comes on March 10th, that would be totally fine with her)..and that when Courtney is born, she will more than likely weigh 7 pounds or a little more.
I'm excited but also a little scared at the same time. I am not wanting to overdue any of my outings and such, so I am working on a plan that I can stick with even though the ban of bedrest has been lifted.
The "talk of having a baby shower on the 13th of February" may be happening, not sure yet though because my mother and I are going to talk about it after we have dinner here in a little bit. If a baby shower is going to take place, then mom will have the baby shower here at her house with a few of my friends helping with certain duties. So we will wait and see!! :)
Just wanted to update everyone on what the latest news is and such!! I hope that everyone is doing well!