Summer Vacation 2015

Jun 06, 2015 10:52

Phew! I haven't had a real post in this journal since Jan 1 of this year. Ah well, guess journalling isn't my thing at the mo'. However, that may change a bit in the next couple of weeks since my mother, sister, and I will be going on a trip through Great Britain. I expect we'll have lots of fun. :-)

But summer has started for us (despite it still officially being spring) since school let out on May 22nd!!! I haven't gotten much biking or hiking in this season (only twice for each - eep!) but have been enjoying my time off quite a bit. And I've done my duty as a "responsible home owner" (yeah right) and had my tumbling down fence replaced.

So that's what this post will be about - Out with the Old, and In with the New!

I really hadn't noticed how poorly my back fence was doing till I started mowing last year. Whoops! Neglect, I has you!

It's really shabby compared to the neighbor's more recently created fence.

The fence guys start taking the old fence down. Turns out it was installed in sections.

The new fence posts have been installed. The rest of the fence is installed the following day once the post cement has settled, or something. That's a view of my neighbor's back yard that I've never seen before.

The mulberry tree is now just a stump. And I've brushed stump killer on it - DIE STUMP! DIE! (I taped a warning sign up for the little kids who were hanging around that area earlier in the day.) I especially like the bits of mulberry tree that are now a permanent addition to the neighbor's fence. (Actually, no idea if my predecessor or their predecessor installed that chain link fence. At least with my behind the house neighbor, I was able to ask if it had been her mother or my predecessor who'd put the fence in.)

The fence dudes installing the new fence! Whee! (I tried to figure out why this photo had a different aspect ratio than all my others. Turns out I took this while I was filming the dudes installing the fence. The aspect ratio for video with my phone is different than the ratio with my photographs.)

I can has new fence? Yes, I can has! In October, I need to stain the sucker. Will have to ponder what color I want to stain it. (And I'll ask my backdoor neighbor what color he wants his side stained since the fence dudes recommended staining both sides if/when I do it.)

home improvement

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