
Nov 09, 2010 20:32

I had my best stitch count yet today, with 4529 stitches knit on my NaKniSweMo sweater (for a total of 18,205--which averages to 2023 stitches per day; at that rate, I might actually finish it by 11/30!). It helps that I did end up staying home today, sitting quietly on the couch as much as possible.

Oh yes, I promised a picture now that it actually looks like something...

The color is not very true--my camera looooooves blue. This should be a bit greener.

-- * --

As predicted, I did not sleep well last night. The first night on Sudafed suuuuucks. Took forever to fall asleep, then I kept waking up throughout the night feeling both tired and alert. Ugh. It was a long night. Tonight I am exhausted and therefore hope I will not have continued problems (it does usually only happen on the first day).

Happily, I can already tell the Sudafed is starting to do its job. I still feel rotten, but there's a definite improvement over yesterday. I must have been having some crazy sinus pressure, because at one point this afternoon I just suddenly felt like a weight had been lifted off my head. That's when I knew the Sudafed was doing its thing.

Judging by previous years, I can expect this problem to linger until the end of April--although it started two months early this year, so who knows? Unfortunately, while the Sudafed does alleviate the symptoms it doesn't actually cure it. I'll have sporadic mild dizziness and nausea for the next 4-6 months.

Unless we get to move to California, where I believe the problem--severe allergies that cause fluid in my ears, which in turn causes vertigo and nausea--will clear itself up.

-- * --

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that I watched the first episode of Sherlock today. Wow! I'm going to have to watch it again...so many details!

allergies, sherlock, vertigo, nakniswemo, knitting

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