May 20, 2006 00:40
I should be asleep. Like... I should not physically be able to be awake right now. Strange. I think I should try and sleep. I want to shower though. I guess I can just do that in the morning? Yeah.
My English teacher suggested the idea of a mental weekend, and then was all "Yeah, you know what those are" while looking at me. I'm just like "I'm already on mental summer vacation." I'm completely checked out at school, yay.
My arm's kind of itchy.
Sleep is sounding better by the second. I'm definitely brushing my teeth first though, even though I already did.
I'm so tired that I didn't bother searching as hard as I could to find the artist who actually made this one song. It's a cover of The Proclaimer's I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) and I can't figure out which cover it is. I also couldn't figure out which cover of Just Like Heaven by the Cure I had. Weak. Stupid cover songs.
OKAY. Sleep. Tired.
Ha. So I fail. I ended up showering, for many, many reasons which I don't care to list. Mainly to be clean. Now I'm making a CD because I'm in a showtune/guilty pleasure mood and I don't have a CD that works with that. So yeah.
I'll let it finish burning, then listening, then sleep. Listening'll be okay because I don't have to wear my contacts to do that. My glasses should be ready tomorrow. Yay!