God. Nothing can frustrate me like Gilmore Girls. BUT REALLY. CHRISTOPHER LORELAI? AND NOT ELOPING LUKE? However, I am not mad at Rory or Logan. BUT VERY MAD AT EVERYONE ELSE.
I threw about a million hissy fits. I just... gah. GAH TO THE EXTREME. I hate season finales.
BUT WHY? It's like... make me really mad because of the seeming death of Luke/Lorelai, spread a little possible rebirth of Christopher/Lorelai, and top it all off with me being sad about the whole situation with Logan/Rory. God. I need to go strangle something.
Anyway. Should I have anything else to say? That was pretty traumatic. I think the reason I like The Perfect Man so much is because of the wardrobe. Pretty sad. Actually, it might be sadder that I can admit to liking The Perfect Man. It's cute dang it!