Aug 06, 2004 22:35
Every morning I eventually wake up after hitting my snooze alarm for a good hour. Why is it that I have no driving desire to shake crud from my eyes and get up and moving? My days are all the same...get up, go to work, come home to eat dinner, and up until the past few days, I spent most nights at home hanging out with my parents. I'm not knocking hanging out with mom and dad b/c I don't get those opportunities from mid-August through mid-May, so it's nice to actually spend some time with them. Granted, all that time was b/c people being gone on vacations or just working at times opposite of me. Still, it all is so pointless and boring. I want something more than this same stupid old crap that I deal with day in and day out. I'm not really sure what it is that I desire. I desire to draw nearer to God, but lately I've become too complacent to feel Him move. I want to be able to rise on my own each morning feeling the gentle touch of God as he stirs me for another day that he has blessed me with to go about my seemingly pointless life in the grand scheme of things in this beautiful world that God has created. He created it not for me, nor any other unworthy person, but for his own glory. For Him to marvel in the beauty and power of his own creation. Just to think that he created something so beautiful that this stupid human race has managed to trash throughout the course of time is just amazing. If this world in it's original state back during the days of Adam and Eve was so beautiful by our standards, imagine wht God has prepared for us in Heaven. This world was too sinful for God to come to Earth in his full glory so he sent himself in the form of Jesus, his son, to live amongst the people to show them that there was a way to a better life and a more perfect life. If this beautiful, yet sinful world was not even good enough for God in his full glory to come to Earth, just imagine what he has prepared for himself and us in Heaven. I mean, probably the most disgusting thing that God sets foot on in Heaven is 1000 times better than the finest fabric or creation on this Earth. Imagine how much more he has for us in Heaven to dwell in for eternity and all he asks us to do is live a perfect life here for this short time on Earth. Something you would think should be so easy to do for such a short time when compared to the length of eternity, yet I can't even get out of bed in the morning to make the slightest effort to live the life he wants from me. I know that He calls me to be perfect, but he accepts my imperfections and all it took was me to accept him and just make an effort to grasp the smallest slice of what He wants from my life. I want to have the strength to rise in the morning and want to rush abot my getting ready so that I can just go about my da and enjoy what God has created for me here, to be a testimony to those I know, to those I meet, and to those whose paths I cross and not say a word. I want more than the same old me. I want to be who God has called for me to be. I feel such a burden lifted off my chest just to be able to write this for all to see. I hope that those around me will help to kep me accountable to all this.
Generations come and go but nothing really changes. -- Ecc. 1:4 (NLT)
Let us be the generation that strives to change and make a difference in this world.