Todays Tree Lines: Back to Start

Jul 12, 2013 16:58

Roth is turning out to be epic, I have what could possibly be the "best eva" homestay. Johannes has been super helpful, but has been at work all day. He arranged for Professional Triathlete on recovery Christine Waitz to meet me at the railway station, Christine asked Johannes if I could homestay with him, Johannes lives just a few doors down from Christine's parents.

His house is no more than 150ft from the start of a trail that goes off into a Bavarian Pine Forest. I went out to the course this morning and did a warm-up swim, all pretty simple, 2.5 miles always looks a long way though. Still. I came back with Carlton Bale who I met only this morning, Carlton is from Indiana.  It's really hard to understand why there are so few Americans here. I guess because it's not an "Ironman".

After coffee/pastries, and getting Carlton registered for the race, Carlton dropped me off at Johannes house. I suited up, read my trainingpeaks for today and headed out for a run with strict instruction NOT to go more than 30-mins. I ran until the trail "t'd" and took a left, at the next turn I took a left, at the next turn I took a right. Right? Yep I was completely lost in the forest.

It was then I remembered the Garmin 305 "back to start" feature. Except I couldn't find it. Eventually I did and I was close but not on the right trail. I headed in the direction of the trail that I'd come out on, and once I'd figured out to cross the river, I was back in an acceptable 27-mins.

garmin, garmin305, challenge roth, running, training

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