Austin Marathon 2013 recap

Mar 18, 2013 18:38

It's not an introspective race report; I thought I'd have a good race, hoped to set a PR in what will likely be my last (and only 2nd) full Marathon. Leading up to the race I'd done 2x 12-mile runs, 13-mile, 15-mile, 18-mile runs and while they were slow, they were mostly solid.

My only prior stand-alone marathon had been the Chosen Marathon, which I finished off not too much training, in 5:06:39, so expecting a sub 5-hour marathon should have been realistic. I was doing well until around mile-14; for a while I even thought I might negative split, that didn't last long. Around 22.5-miles, the wheels really came off the bus. I was simply too tired to run.

Surprisingly I didn't suffer too much pain from my knees, a combination of ibuprofen, and pain killers, along with forefoot strike worked pretty well. Disappointingly I eventually rounded the corner to the finish line on Congress and finished in 5:24:23

If you want to see the details, click these graphics for the mile by mile breakdown and a pace chart. At this point, there is a more than 50% chance I might have a go at the Chosen Marathon again this year as it fits my current race schedule.

What is interesting from the data is my Max HR limit. The data was captured using a Garmin 310XT, so it shouldn't suffer too much from cross or interference, so I'm at a loss to explain how I ran over my max HR from mile-9 and until the finish. Thoughts?

racing, austin, running

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