Change is Gonna Do Me Good...

Mar 30, 2005 19:37

I'm not dead ya'll... just finally getting around to updating. I was grounded before Spring Break, then the internet broke at Padre's then Mom decided to take a last minute trip up to Chicago...

And now for the BIG NEWS...

I don't think everyone realizes something. I don't think anyone realizes how serious I am about singing and becoming famous... Maybe a few do, but I don't think anyone really thinks I'm going to actually go out and audition for American Idol, or ship out my demo. Since I made my Demo... things have changed, doors have opened. I may not be here next year.

Some people I think take for granted the fact that I'm here. I'm not always going to be here... and yet it seems like I always have in the past. I think that's part of what caused the big blow out when I first started dating David. I wasn't there 24/7... and I don't think I'll ever be there 24/7 again. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, and I love my family here in Corydon... but I don't wanna waste away in this little cow ridden town.

What's brought this up is something my mom said when we got home today. She's thinking about quiting her job up in Seymore and getting a new job closer to home. Jokingly she asked if I wanted to move to California, thinking I would say No like I always do... I told her... Maybe... and the more I think about it, the more I want to go. I have to get out of here!!!!!!!!!!

Corydon can only offer me so much. I think the thing that would kill me the most is being away from ya'll... and probably Grace. SHe isn't keen on the idea, and would probably stay here with Padre... I probably would see very little of her and my father. But I think I can handle that.

It will be rough. I could get a job. I could live in a car. I could eat less. I could be a star. All my hopes and dreams could come true...

Okay I have to go practice Piano now... Much Luv! Muchos Amour for Mi hispanic amigos!!!
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