Mar 08, 2015 08:07
is incredible to me this morning that i am deleting my history on *another* machine logged into chrome. thats right, my browsing history being viewed on a mac, from a win8 pc, and v.v. is available. you can also see what pages my mobile devices have accessed. its all cloud. its all shared at the top level.
and couple this with the fact that i come home from work, having looked at facebook in the morning, closed the window, and at the end of the day of work searched for sleds at home depot during the last snowstorm....and now opening FB on a difft machine see the exact *same product* ad in the ad window. they are pushing it at my account no matter where i am. fine. but.
this means that fb is tracking my history even *after* i close the fb window. also, it is sending it to an ad agency, which then associates my browser history with my ID, no matter where i am.
i find this infuriating. it implies i shouldnt use chrome on two different machines, or that i should use linux/opera, or disable all cookies, or never access FB again, or delete FB cookies after each session. hard to do this without looking like a paranoid fool, but its not good for a company to track my online behavior even after i have closed their window. thats not right.
perhaps going back to win7 would help a touch. i hate win8 anyway and wish metro panes would die a painful death. where's my file browser and search? i do not want to search the web, its not the same. i want my gd files. stop clouding me.