full of things you either already knew or didn't care about!
Kissed your cousin: When I was about 6, I was forced to kiss my cousin Stacey's husband on the cheek for a wedding picture. After a huge protest, I finally agreed, saying, "I suppose it's ok since we're cousins now," to which he replied, "But not kissing cousins." I was mortally insulted.
Pictured your crush naked: I don't have to! Um. I mean...
Skipped school: At least 75% of the time.
Broken someone's heart: Yes, but they were easily broken. I didn't have to do much.
Been in love: Amu.
Cried when someone died: Probably.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: It's ok, they can't have me either.
Broken a bone: Broken arm rollerblading.
Done something embarrasing: Too much.
Lied: Yes.
Cried in school: Why stop at school?
Coke or Pepsi: Cherry coke!
Sprite or 7UP: Is the same. Isn't it?
Girls or Guys: Guys. I can't stand most girls, except for a few notable exceptions.
Flowers or Candy: Burritos. Small meaningful knicknacks I can clutch at or hang from my neck.
Scruff or Clean shaved: I think it's circumstantial.
Blondes or Brunettes: Dark.
Bitchy or Slutty: I don't associate with either breed.
Tall or Short: Taller than me is just right.
Pants or Shorts: Pants!
Night or Day: Night.
What do you notice first: Face.
Last person you slow danced with: I don't think I've ever slow danced.
Worst Question To Ask: I don't know any bad questions.
Showered: Last night. Hehehe.
Stepped outside: I've been out all day.
Had Sex: See the first question from this section.
Romantic memory: bah.
WHAT IS (your favourite)...
Your Good Luck Charm: A pair of blank dominos.
Person You Hate Most: Hillary fucking Duff.
Best Thing That Has Happened: Seezix. :-)
On your desk: Crap.
Picture on your desktop: Tori Amos bending over a mattress.
Colour: Pink?
Movie: Tomb Raider.
Artist: Van Gogh.
Cars: Jeep!
Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip.
Season: Autumn.
Breakfast Food: Poptart.
Makes you laugh the most: Bonnielee.
Makes you smile: Andy.
Can make you feel better no matter what: Bonnielee, and Shawnboy.
Has A Crush On You: Nobody has a crush on ME. Well, maybe Bonnie.
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: I have a crush on you.
Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: I wouldn't know.
Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: "Funny"? Hehehe.
Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: Not recently.
Save MSN conversations: Only for blackmail. Or nostalgia.
Save E-mails: I save more of what I write to people than they write to me. Nobody ever sends me anything worth saving.
Forward secret E-mails: Of course not!
Wish you were someone else: Everyday.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Sometimes.
Perfume: Chanel.
Kiss: I'm a pro.
Cuddle: Think so.
Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: I'm always online.
Fallen for your best friend?: I think I may have fallen for every best friend I've had.
Made out with JUST a friend?: Uh huh.
Kissed two people in the same day?: Three!
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Almost.
Been rejected: More times than I can count.
Been in love?: Amu.
Been in lust?: Yes.
Used someone?: Yes. But I don't think they minded.
Been used?: Yes. But I didn't mind.
Cheated on someone?: Never.
Been cheated on?: Not technically.
Been kissed?: On the LIPS, even!
Done something you regret?: Uh huh.
You touched?: Joel.
You talked to?: Andy.
You hugged?: Joel.
You instant messaged?: Bonnay.
You kissed?: ...Joel again.
You yelled at?: I don't yell.
You thought about?: My mother, but only because I was thinking about yelling.
Who text messaged you?: Bonnie.
Who broke your heart?: Joel.
Who told you they loved you?: Bonnie.
Color your hair?: Mercilessly.
Have tattoos?: Thinking about it.
Have piercings?: 6. Ears.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No. Not that.
Own a webcam?: Yes.
Own a thong?: I own one thong.
Emily Bogue sent it to me from London, and it says "Mind the Gap". Get it?
Ever get off the damn computer?: Only for burritos.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: No.
Habla espanol?: Un paquito.
Quack?: MmmHMM.
Stolen anything?: Not intentionally.
Smoke?: Can't.
Schizophrenic?: No.
Obsessive?: Little bit.
Compulsive?: Only when I'm worried about something that's out of my control. I do laundry. For days.
Obsessive compulsive?: Not really.
Panic?: Not so much anymore.
Anxiety?: SO BAD.
Depressed?: Clinically.