60 for 60: Wisteria Lodge

Apr 21, 2013 14:00

Canon Story:Wisteria Lodge
Title: Goodbye & Good Riddance
Author: Trillsabells
Rating: PG
A/N: So I wrote the first one aiming for a naïve farewell and then I started wondering what sort of last parting words would make her really want to avenge her husband.

“Please let me come. I would feel much more at ease if I were with you.”

“And I if you remain here in safety.”

“There is nothing we cannot face if we stand together.”

“My darling, I am certain all will be well. Please just indulge this little whim and I will return to you in no time at all.”


“It is for your own safety.”

“If you’re going to lie then at least come up with something more convincing. For my own safety? Don’t make me laugh. I know why you don’t want me there. You have some whore you want to visit in peace. Well go! My blessings on both of you. I hope I never see you again!”

acd, fanfic, 60 for 60

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