60 for 60: The Valley of Fear

Jan 20, 2013 13:28

Canon Story: The Valley of Fear
Title: Temporary absences, The Laughter in the Garden & Continuing
Author: Trillsabells
Rating: PG
A/N: Two 60s and one drabble for you because I was captivated by the love story of John Douglas, Ivy Douglas and Cecil Barker

“I won’t leave,” he said, grabbing his lover by the arm before any more of his clothes could be thrown into the open suitcase. “You can’t just throw me out.”

“I will not have us ruined by-“

“To hell with idiotic village gossip! Let the world know I love you! Just please, John, don’t exile me from you. Not again.”


“We should tell them.”

“Ivy, we cannot.”

“I will not have John escape the noose only to send you to it.”

“It won’t go that far, they can’t prove anything.”

“They will say we are having an affair.”

“My dearest friend, I will not have them impugning your honour in that way. I will go straight to the detective and tell him you would never have an affair with me, not when I was having an affair with your husband.”


“Don’t fret, Ivy. I’ve seen the way that detective looks at that Doctor. They will never give us away.”


Ivy spent her second wedding night the same way she had her first; wrapped in a manly embrace and as ever much the virgin as she had been before the marriage.

“I miss him,” she confessed to her new husband.

“I too,” said Cecil. “But in a year’s time we will meet him and all will be as it was.”

acd, slash, fanfic, 60 for 60

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