Busy Weekend

May 27, 2007 21:00

So far, this weekend has not been as productive as I hoped, but on the flip side, I did get to do scads of lovely things.

Friday: Saw the doctor for my not-quite infected sinuses. Turns out we should not have lowered the dose of Nasonex and my "tissues are thickening". Back on steroids I go, watch me twitch. That evening we sent to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Worlds End. So. Good. Can I have a Captain Turner? Pretty please?

Saturday: Lazed about. Got the Safeway run done and picked up my drugs (let the twitching begin!). Then seanb and I went to the Rat City Roller Girls bout and wished izzbot a happy birthday. It was good fun and I very much enjoyed watching my friends skate.

Today: Went and saw (and mocked) Spider Man 3. Picked up Jones BBQ for dinner and then dashed to practice. Should've moved a bit slower - I forgot to put in my contacts and thus skated practice blind and with my blood pressure and pulse going crazy. Interesting.

Tomorrow I hope to get some gardening done, go to Half Price Books and finish the grocery shopping with a trip to MacPherson's. Not too ambitious, but we shall see.

weekends, movies, skating

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