Nov 24, 2009 00:20 I've been catching up on Supernatural. I'm about halfway through 5x10 at the moment, and the ep started with the boys trying to retreive the Colt from a demon.
A demon named CROWLEY.
Seriously, I'm still wondering what the hell happened to Aziraphale. Really, I am.
And also, incidentally, said demon is played by Mark Sheppard, who just keeps showing up in stuff that I watch. (So far, Firefly, BSG, Leverage, Dollhouse, NCIS, Supernatural, and - randomly, the one episode of Medium that I've watched in my entire life just had to have him in it. It's like one of us is stalking the other or something.)
(regarding 5x10 and the whole Raising Death thing: Death had BETTER, had BETTER show up looking like a perky Goth chick. Otherwise I am hunting down the writers and letting them know how unhappy I am.)
PS. I probably should have noticed earlier, but on the credits two of the crew/producer/writer types are Jeremy Carver and Ben Edlund. Hm. Not obvious where they got that name AT ALL.
good omens,
fandom: supernatural,
actor: mark sheppard