Children of Earth: Day Five [in which there is Suspense and much Drama]

Jul 10, 2009 22:03

HOLY CRAP, guys.

This will be in some kind of order... should make sense but forgive me if it doesn't, I am still in shock after all...

1. Uh, this UNIT guy. I like him. Also his first name is Augustus, which is cool.

2. American-military guy, I also like. If only because he seems to be basically competent, unlike some people I could mention.

3. I'm a teeny bit (read: a lot) wibbly over Frobisher, for what I bloody well hope are obvious reasons. And all through the secretary woman talking to Lois, I was nodding a lot. Because he WAS a good man, and there aren't enough good men in the world.

4. Oh, jesus, I think my Ianto-love has transferred to his family. Because seriously, Rhiannon is just awesome. Obviously Awesomeness is genetic in people called Jones (Ianto & family, Martha, Harriet... see?)

5. Huh. So the 456 are junkies. Who get high on... children.

OK, loathe as I am to admit it, but as a concept that's pretty much genius - even normal, Earth junkies will generally do anything for a fix, so why should alien junkies be any different? It is a bit gross, mind - but at least this explains the projectile I-think-it-was-vomit.

6. Oh, Alice, I'm sorry. I am really, really, really sorry, and I can't imagine what you're going through, and that's all I can really say.

7. *snort* Evil!PM got his comeuppeance, woo. Also, go Bridget with the Torchwood contact lenses, yay!

8. Jesus, Gwen, DO NOT SCARE ME (or Rhys) LIKE THAT.

9. ANDY. (!!!)

10. Oh, Jack. You really do make it hard for me to love you sometimes. But I still do, even if you have a tendency to act like a TWAT sometimes. Still, though, I know that everything you've done (mostly), you've had the Greater Good in mind, and I can't in good conscience fault you for that. After all, it's pretty much what the Doctor does.

Speaking of Jack and the Doctor... it is rapidly becoming clear to me that Jack's (consciously or not) becoming more and more like our favourite Time Lord. Up to and including sending people close to him away for their safety (*ahem* Parting of the Ways, anyone?) and RUNNING AWAY FROM HIS PROBLEMS (which is basically what the Doctor DOES).

The thing is, I don't know if I want Jack to end up just like the Doctor. The Universe has got one already, after all, and Jack needs to find his own niche. I thought that was defending the Earth when the Doctor's not around. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm not.

What I do know is that Jack needs to sort his head out and get the hell back to Earth, where he is NEEDED. I hope he does it soon.


OK, from a writerly point of view, I can see how THAT ENDING is good. It leaves things open for future seasons, but if (GODS FORBID) there aren't any more, it's also a reasonably decent way to wrap it all up - Jack's off finding himself in the universe, Gwen and Rhys have the baby, the world will sort itself out.

But from a fan's point of view, that ending was not satisfactory at all, and that's really the only way I can put it.


Though, it did cause the instantaneous spawning of plotbunnies in my head, dammit.

The two main ones are:

1. Jack, sleeping roaming his way around the universe, runs into the Doctor. Might end up being Eleven, so that he doesn't recognise him at first, but basically this one involves angst and talk vis a vis the loss of one's friends and suchlike (which the Doctor knows ALL about).

and 2. (which may end up involving my TW OC, Faith) This is basically Gwen (after having the baby, which I've decided is a girl and will be named Rhiannon) realising that someone needs to carry on with Torchwood's work (because the Rift still exists, obviously). And she'll end up recruiting Lois (at least), possibly Alice and my OC (if I use her), and rebuilding Torchwood. All "until Jack comes back", of course.

Actually, that second one exists just because I have this mental image of Gwen, Lois and Alice kicking alien butt together. *shrug* Ehhhhh.

PS. For the record, why yes, I am still royally pissed with RTD. In fact... imagine how pissed Alice is with Jack. Multiply it by a metric shitload, and that's somewhere close to how pissed I am with RTD for fucking around with my show.

charaqter: jack harkness, fandom: torchwood, the 456, writerly stuff, rhys williams, untrustworthy government types, lois habiba, gwen cooper, original character: faith

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