Children of Earth: Day Four [in which there are tears, and swearing]

Jul 09, 2009 21:59

Uh, let's just slap a big R rating on this post, OK?

This episode started so well, you know. The team had a plan, the untrustworthy government types were being untrustworthy, everything seemed to be going okay.

And then it all went to hell.

First, government types. Oh, fucking hell I really do not like these people. Not Frobisher, mind. He seems like a good guy. But the others... well, I'd kinda like to tell the PM to go fuck himself, and that woman... I don't know her name (or particularly care who she is), but you do not get to say things like THAT on my watch and get away with it. The selfish, cold-hearted fucking bitch can go die in a fire for all I care.

(for one horrible moment, it occurred to me that Jack's grandson might end up as one of the 10%. that would be bad.)

Second, the 456.


Third, (you guessed it) oh, god Ianto.

I would just like to say this. Russell T Davies, you are an absolute FUCKING bastard. That was bloody unnecessary, you hear? Stupid and unnecessary and WASTEFUL, you twat.

There's been enough death on this show. I thought so after S2. This just confirms it for me.
(DW, "The Doctor Dances" - "Everybody lives! Just this once, everybody lives!". Makes me glad Moffat's on DW next year, and sorry that he's not on TW then as well. Also, I miss Nine.)

Fourth, Gwen&Rhys.

I love these two, really. They're so good for each other, and they work together so well. This is probably a good thing, because thanks to you-know-who, Team Torchwood is now down to Jack and Gwen, and they'll need all the help they can get.

Fifth, Lois.

I love her, too. She can totally get recruited and be badass catching aliens next season. If she survives long enough of course. *glares at you-know-who*

So... yeah, I'm just going to go and cry now. (Another thing to blame you-know-who for - I cried for Owen, I cried buckets for Tosh, and fuck yes I'm crying for Ianto. Like I said, too much death around here.)

PS. Oh, god, Jack. I just... I would say something about Jack this episode. But I can't, not yet anyway. Perhaps later.

PPS. CLEM. Oh look, more stupid unnecessary death. I'm seeing a theme here, people.

PPPS. It seems that even looking at my Ianto tag makes me cry, dammit.

RIP, Ianto Jones.

untrustworthy government types, ianto jones, charaqter: jack harkness, fandom: torchwood, lois habiba, rhys williams, gwen cooper

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