Prompt #1: Unafraid of the Fire

Jun 02, 2008 06:15

So... Becky_in_fandom posted a really long list of lyric-based prompts. This is the first story that the list inspired.

Prompt: A lion's heart in a little girl (so unafraid of the fire)
Characters: Rose, Nine/Ten (sort of works with both).
Spoilers: Parting of the Ways.
Rating: PG for one teeny little swearword.
Summary: The Doctor thinks about what it is that Rose did in PotW.

Unafraid of the Fire

"She opened the heart of the TARDIS, and absorbed the Time Vortex. No-one's ever meant to have that power If a Time Lord did that, he'd become a god, a vengeful god. But she was human, and what she did was so human..." - The Doctor, Utopia

He remembers that day so clearly. He'd sent her home, back to her mum. But Rose - his beautiful, clever, fantastic Rose - was too damn stubborn to sit at home knowing what was happening. She got the heart of the TARDIS open - and Rassilon, he didn't have a clue how she'd managed that. Mickey and her mum helped, probably, not that it mattered. She did it, and looked into the Vortex, and the TARDIS took her back.

But she had changed. When the TARDIS appeared and the doors opened, the angel - no, the goddess - standing there bore only a resemblance to his Rose. She shone with fire and golden light. He could feel the power in her, power that should never have been hers to wield. The Rose he sent away was a teenage girl, frightened and angry. The Rose who came back was a goddess in human shape... and she had done that willingly. She had looked into, and absorbed, the Vortex, and she hadn't been afraid.

And on her return... she reduced an army of daleks to nothing more than dust and ash, ending the Time War at last. And she gave life back to one brave, flawed hero, who had died for the Doctor because he knew it was the right thing to do. By doing that, she'd unleashed a whole heap of trouble. She'd changed Jack forever, and now it was hard to even look at him.

It was so like her... she did it to save them. And she did... but Jack ended up a Fixed Point and the Doctor had had to regenerate to survive. She saved them, but after that day nothing was the same for any of them.

doctor, parting of the ways, rose

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