On Casting Changes and Other Semi-Related Issues

Feb 17, 2009 19:52


I've become obsessed with Being Human.

Waaaaay back when the pilot was broadcast, I liked it. Then it went away and there were casting changes and then it came back, and everyone who saw the pilot went OMG THEY CAST NEW PEOPLE. But you know what?

I LIKE the New!Mitchell and the New!Annie. Pilot!Annie was good, but New!Annie is better. Pilot!Mitchell was cute, I grant you... but New!Mitchell is gorgeous. (And irish... I can't resist an irish accent...) And then there's George, who's just... George. And FABULOUS.

(Incidentally, New!Lauren is waaay better than Pilot!Lauren, and New!Herrick scares the crap out of me, which is more than Adrian Lester ever did.)

Oh... and I think I ship Mitchell/Annie. Which is weird for two reasons... a) she's a ghost and b) I only ship New!Mitchell/New!Annie. Hmmm.


As the result of a long, quite complicated chain of events, I've had an idea for Torchwood/Being Human fic.

Well, really it would be Being Human fic with added Owen Harper... but still. The idea in my head is kinda awesome.


In my current state of very, very definitely single, the 14th February has never been particularly special for me.

Until I found out that, in the Whoniverse, February 14 is Owen Harper's birthday. So... well, the date means quite a bit more to me now.

fandom: torchwood, fandom: being human, owen harper

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