Now that I've got over the initial shock of this week's ep...
This week, we pick up exactly where we left off, with Claire and Hiro on the roof of the Deveaux Building sixteen years ago. This was quietly awesome, as for two characters who've never actually met until now, it was actually faintly hilarious.
But enough. Because... *big news time* we've finally seen Hiro's mommy! And she's awesome! And a healer! (The tragic irony is that Hiro-mommy is a healer... and dying.) The biggest news though, regards the mysterious catalyst.
A few episodes back, we figured out that the catalyst that makes the Formula of Doom work is inside Claire, right? Well... it wasn't always. It was put into her. Basically, Kaito and his wife both knew that they had to put the catalyst into someone to protect it. Kaito's idea was to use baby!Claire as the carrier, while Hiro-mommy wanted to use tiny!Hiro.
Also. About the Catalyst. You know how it was described as "the light in the darkness"? Um, well, that was literal. The catalyst is actual... light. And sixteen years ago, it was being carried by Hiro-mommy. (I suspect it was keeping her alive, too.) Anyways... Hiro-mommy used her ability to give Hiro his memory back (like Linderman did for Angela in "Villains"). This little adventure ends with the Light being passed over to Hiro, rather than baby!Claire, as was the original Company plan.
While Hiro's doing that, Claire's gone to past!Noah and past!Sandra's apartment, where past!Sandra is taking care of baby!Claire, to make sure the Company don't put the Catalyst into baby!Claire. Now, all credit to Claire, she introduces herself to Sandra as "Bonnie", claims to be the neighbours' niece, and becomes the temporary babysitter for her infant self. She actually bonds with past!Sandra... at least until Noah shows up and asks her who the hell she is. Yikes. Noah was scary.
Hiro and Claire's Excellent Adventure ends where it started, at the Deveaux Building. Where Arthur Petrelli promptly shows up, takes both his power and the Light from Hiro, and zaps Claire back to the Present with a message for Angela. The message was basically "I've won, okay? You might as well quit" (paraphrased).
Back in the Present:
Sylar is still in Costa Verde, apparently back to his old self. He also has Elle's cellphone, with its address book full of Specials. (Including a very important woman called Sue Landers. More on her later.)
Before leaving, though, he has a sort of makeshift funeral pyre for Elle's body. So, though obviously I'll miss her and I'm not exactly happy about her being dead in the first place, I can at least take some comfort knowing that he cared enough about her to do that, at least. He didn't have to, after all.
He then goes looking for Sue Landers, who is an apparently normal office worker. And also, a human lie detector. One can see how she might be of interest to Sylar. So... poor Sue ends up dead, Sylar ends up a Human Lie Detector instead.
And of course, the cake. Normally that wouldn't have been funny, but it was so out of place, it just cracked me up.
(We'll be seeing Sylar again later, now we've got Petrellis to concentrate on.)
First: WOO HOO. BAMF!Angela has returned. AWESOME. Also, she wants Peter to kill Arthur. Y'know, normally I wouldn't... but this time I'm on the Kill That Bastard side. Basically, Peter and the Haitian head off to Pinehearst to a)find and b)kill Arthur.
Second: So, Nathan's taking over Pinehearst? O-kay. Interesting. Also, Tracy's been talking to the Department of Defense on Pinehearst's behalf. The Big Bad Plan seems to involve giving the complete Formula of Doom to a selection of US Marines, turning them into Super-Soldiers. (The comic book geek in me wonders if they're anticipating Captain America or The Midnighter to be the result. Personally I'm hoping for Cap, what with Midnighter being kind of psycho...)
As part of his I'm Taking Over thing, Nathan talks to one of the Marines, Scott. He seems like a fairly typical young American guy, to be honest. He also ends up being the guinea-pig for the completed Formula. Which gives him enhanced strength, with no obvious side effects so far.
Third: Oh look, Peter's going all BAMF-y. He almost managed to kill Arthur, too. He would have, I think, if Sylar hadn't shown up and done the job instead. NEWSFLASH: Sylar is not a Petrelli. He outright asked Arthur, and his new Lie Detector ability started tingling (no, really), so he knew it was a lie.
So, yeah. Arthur is, or at least currently appears to be dead.
I've kinda got the urge to start going "Ding dong, the witch is dead" at this point. Seeing as I've been waiting for someone to kill That Bastard for weeks now.
There is one more thread to this week. This thread is possibly my favourite, as it's basically Matt'n'Daphne'n'Ando, hunting down and then reading Isaac's Last Notebook, with the final 9th Wonders story that Seth Green told us about last week. In a way, these three (and the comic!) serve as a form of Greek Chorus/Audience, explaining things to the viewers. Also... well, Matt'n'Daphne are my two favourite characters, so yeah.
Also, Daphne totally pwnt the guy who had the notebook. It was awesome.
Final point: The cover sketch of the Final Story was a picture of Hiro, with the caption "Hiro Nakamura: Lost in Time". This is NOT GOOD.
(I wonder, when Isaac gave Random!Messenger the Sketchbook, saying "it might be worth something someday"... did he know what was going to happen? Obviously he knew some of it, because of the 9th Wonders story drawn in it. But I wonder if he knew that Matt'n'Daphne'n'Ando were going to come looking for it when they did.... but I guess we'll never know. *sigh*)