Um. The events of this episode are still making me go "What. The. HELL?".... anyways, usual drill. Spoilers behind the cut.
So, ya... first matter of the day. Gabriel, please stop being so... nice and obedient... you're a badass, it doesn't suit you.
Also... and I find this somewhat hilarious, by the way... Arthur Petrelli ships Sylar/Elle. He does, really. *nodnod* That relationship is totally canon, too... end of this ep notwithstanding. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
Back to the action (in some kind of chronological order):
a) very brief glimpse of BAMF!Angela this week. Refreshing, though.
b) I know it wasn't a Big Thing, but... Baron Samedi? That can't be good. (going by what the Haitian said later in the ep... apparently this Baron can't be killed, as his skin is impenetrable. Also, he may be the Haitian's brother. Not sure what to make of that...)
c) Oh, Peter. You're back being all adorable again, awww.
d) IDK what's going on with Mohinder, but his Spiderman-Hulk-transformation thingy is gross. Seriously, just, EW.
Shifting over to Matt's place for a bit...
1. Hiro and Ando showing up just as Matt was about to leave (to find Hiro).. that was priceless.
2. Hiro-thinking-he-is-ten is almost as awesome as grown-up-Hiro.
3. Um... Daphne grew up on a corn farm in Lawrence, Kansas, apparently. At this point, my Supernatural-fangirl brain went Lawrence, Kansas?? (Please, tell me there was another Supernatural fan out there who picked up on that/started plotting crazy crossover fic)
4. Well, no idea who Random Old Guy at Daphne's place was (my guess is father or grandfather, could be an uncle though), but WHOA. The thing with the legbraces... and the crutches... like, WHOA. I did NOT see that one coming. (Also, I take it this means Daphne's ability is synthetic, a la Nathan's and Tracy's/Niki's/currently-unseen-Barbara's.) Suddenly Arthur's threats to Daphne make a lot more sense than they used to.
5. MATT SAID HE LOVES DAPHNE. Really, this is just awesome. And, Matt is totally my favourite character as of now. He's the only one who's been consistently awesome this season.
6. Okay, I changed my mind. Hiro-thinking-he-is-ten is MORE awesome than grown-up-Hiro.
7. Duuuude, Unexpected!Seth Green. *shrugs*
Back to the world of the EW and the YUCK (a.k.a wherever Mohinder is hanging out):
Now, Sendhil Ramamurthy is rather attractive, yes? At least, the fangirls seem to think so... anyways... it seems the writers have hit on the one way of making Unexpected!Naked!Mohinder look unsexy, and it involved a cocoon-y type thing and some icky goo stuff.
On the upside (possibly), Mohinder is no longer mutating into Spider-Bug-Shelob-Thing. Temporarily, anyway, as I personally am betting it won't last much longer than the ability-stealing eclipse.
Off to Bennetsville:
It's nice having BAMF!Noah back, you know. Refreshing, almost. It is also hilarious that he was training Claire with BASEBALL.
Yep, that's right. BASEBALL.
Also, (personal observation here) you'd think someone who's spent so much of her life cheerleading would have a little more grace, wouldn't you?
'cause apparently Claire's fighting is "clumsy, slow and obvious". I LOL'd. (And, Sandra... please, try to be more awesome, 'kay? I like you when you're being awesome.)
So, while all this excitement is going on, Nathan and Peter have gone to Haiti to, well, to find the Haitian. (It was meant to be just Nathan, but Peter tagged along)
Their bit of the episode ended with Nathan finding out that Arthur also has influence over sadistic Haitian gang leaders who name themselves after voudoun death gods, while Peter and the Haitian go "UH OH".
(Tracy, now that she's not attached to Nathan at the hip any more, is still Stateside, and working for/with Arthur. Who just sent her to a US Marine base. This concerns me greatly.)
And, well... there's only two things left to say.
1. WOO! I have two pairings for this show that I support, Matt/Daphne and Sylar/Elle, and both appear to be actually happening. This is good.
2. (with reference to the very, very last scene) NOAH BENNET, DON'T YOU FRAKKING DARE. I don't care how awesome you are, DON'T YOU DARE. *ahem*