Title: tea and crumpets
Fandoms: Good Omens, Dogma
Characters: Adam Young, Chloe "Rufus" Sayers (the Last Scion)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: not mine, no infringement intended.
Summary: The Antichrist and the Last Scion meet on a summer's day... and have tea together. (for a comment_fic prompt)
Adam carried the tray carefully (not wanting to spill hot tea everywhere) into the garden and set it down on the patio table. Sitting in one of the chairs was a young woman whose expression seemed just moments away from laughter.
“So,” he said as he sat down, “who sent you, exactly?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Uh, no-one sent me here. Well, my mom had a dream. It said something about us having, uh, family 'round here. So I came to check it out. I've never been to England before, I didn't know it rained so much.”
“I don't have any American relatives.”
“...we're not the...usual kind of family. You are Adam Young, right? The antichrist?”
“Yes,” he nodded, “why?”
“Whew, I thought for a moment there I had the wrong guy. I didn't introduce myself properly, did I? Well... I'm Chloe Sayers, and I'm the Last Scion. You can call me Rufus, though, if you like.”
“After this guy my mom knows. You know what family I mean, right?”
Adam nodded. He'd picked up the basics on the Scion from reading, and he'd been able to pester Aziraphale into filling in some gaps. “You're the last living descendant of Jesus.”
“Yep.... 'til I have a kid, of course. So, we're like... opposite numbers or something, I guess...”
“If you play by their rules,” Adam said with a shrug. “Did you want tea, by the way?”
“Sure,” Rufus said. He poured some into a cup and handed it to her, then poured a second cup for himself. “What do you mean, 'their rules'?”
“Okay... what we are... our situation, everything with our parents, the angels, the demons... it's all like that because they think it's supposed to be. They're playing by the same rules that they were thousands of years ago. I've thought about it, and I don't think we need to be opposites at all. They might think that the antichrist and Jesus' great-great-whatever grandniece should be enemies, but I don't.”
“Cool, I didn't want to be enemies with you either. What if they don't like it?”
He shrugged. “They can't do anything about it. I stopped an entire apocalypse from happening when I was just a kid... I suppose you could say I inherited a few things from my father.... the point is, they can't make me do anything. I think that's why they mostly leave me alone.”
“I don't really have that problem. No magical powers for me, I'm just human. I did see one angel though, the Metatron? He showed up once when I was younger.”
Adam whistled. “That's actually pretty impressive, the Voice showing up like that. I just get this one angel, he's based down in London mostly, checking up on me now and again.”
“Yeah? I've never actually spoken to an angel before. The Metatron just talked to my mom.”
Adam put his cup down. “How long are you here for?”
“A week, why?”
“Want to meet him? He won't mind.”
Rufus grinned. “I'd love to.”