Fic: In A Relationship (ish) [Inception]

Aug 18, 2010 19:48

Title: In A Relationship (ish)
Fandom: Inception
Characters/Pairings: Ariadne/Robert, Dom/Mal, Arthur/Eames, Yusuf, Saito.
Rating: PG
Warnings: none, unless you want me to warn for my pathetic attempt to mimic a Facebook feed. Oh, and Eames' spelling.
Spoilers: this is AU (VERY), so none.
Summary: Highschool AU, told entirely through the medium of fake!Facebook. Basically, Eames likes Arthur. Eames makes a FB group announcing his intent. Everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.
A/N: this is one of many fills I've written for inception_kink. It was *meant* to be short, but ended up being... three pages long. Oops.

(also, made up some last/first names for the gang as necessary. that was fun.)


Ariadne Wells and Robert Fischer are in a relationship.

Ariadne Wells changed her status: OMG SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW.
Robert Fischer commented: <3 you, xxx
Ariadne Wells commented: <3 YOU TOO
Arthur Bell commented: jesus, Ariadne, give the capslock key a rest...
Ariadne Wells commented: You're just jealous.

Jack Eames just created the group Arthur Bell should be dating Jack Eames.
4 hours ago

Jack Eames sent group invites to Dominic Cobb, Malory Graham, Yusuf al-Dwarid, Hikaru Saito, Ariadne Wells and Robert Fischer.
3 hours ago

Yusuf al-Dwarid and Ariadne Wells like this.
2 hours ago
Yusuf al-Dwarid: took long enough
Ariadne Wells: I thought he'd never get around to it
Robert Fischer: Ari, are you coming to computer club today?
Ariadne Wells: oops, can't, have to go home & finish that essay for art history. Meet u later though?
Jack Eames: aww, aren't you nerds adorable... it must be twu luv...
Ariadne Wells: shut it, Eames.

Dominic Cobb, Malory Graham, Yusuf al-Dwarid, Hikaru Saito, Ariadne Wells and Robert Fischer joined the group Arthur Bell should be dating Jack Eames.

Dominic Cobb wrote on Malory Graham's wall: “Hey sweetheart, doing anything tonight?”
90 minutes ago

5,284 people have joined the group Arthur Bell should be dating Jack Eames.
19 minutes ago

Jack Eames posted a picture.
10 minutes ago
Dominic Cobb: 5284 members?!!!
Jack Eames: I swear I have no idea who most of them are. but apparently its a popular concept. :D
Malory Graham: You know Arthur's going to kill you, right?
Jack Eames: ehhhh, don't think so, LOL.

Jack Eames wrote on Dominic Cobb's wall: God your girlfriends a downer. She nevar lets me do fun stuff.
Dominic Cobb replied: How did you get to high school without learning to spell?
Jack Eames replied: its a gift mate.
Malory Graham replied: I can see this, you know. Besides, it's not as if I can actually stop you doing anything. (Also, I'm not Dom's girlfriend.)

Dominic Cobb sent Jack Eames a private message:


Jack Eames replied:

“Got it bad, havent u mate? i no how you feel. :(“

Dominic Cobb replied:

“No you don't. Mal is my soulmate. You just want Arthur to make out with you. It's completely different.”

Jack Eames replied:

“LIES. he's my solemate. we're destined 4 each other.”

Dominic Cobb replied: “you have no soul. (PS. It's called the shift key. Learn to use it.)”

Jack Eames changed his status: wallowing in the depths of despair after supposed best friend tells me I have no soul.
just now

Ariadne Wells commented: WHO SAID THAT?
Jack Eames commented: starts with a D, ends with -OM.
Ariadne Wells commented: OMG how could he!
Robert Fischer commented: Ari, why are you teasing him like this?
Ariadne Wells commented: SHHHHHHHH
Jack Eames commented: what's he talking about?
Ariadne Wells commented: uhhhh, nothing... :P

Hikaru Saito sent Dominic Cobb a private message:

“Why are you letting this continue? Would it not be better to have them deal with this face to face?”

Dominic Cobb replied:

“Let? Who said anything about LET?”

Hikaru Saito replied:

“You make an excellent point.”

Malory Graham wrote on Dominic Cobb's wall: have to be home early, my parents are throwing another dinner party. Something to do with the university I think.

Dominic Cobb wrote: Can't you get out of it?

Malory Graham wrote: Depends. Do I have a good reason to?

Dominic Cobb wrote: hanging out with me? I know all the romantic spots... and I have a car.

Ariadne Wells wrote on Arthur Bell's wall: Hey Arthur, did you see the group Eames made?

Arthur Bell wrote: no, what group?

Ariadne Wells invited Arthur Bell to the group Arthur Bell should be dating Jack Eames.

Arthur Bell changed his status to: If I disappear from FB soon, it will be because I'm in jail for murdering a certain someone.
Jack Eames commented: uh-oh...
Ariadne Wells commented: um, Jack, I might have invited him to the group...
Jack Eames commented: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?
Ariadne Wells commented: I thought you wanted him to know! Wasn't that the point?
Jack Eames commented: yeah, but not YET. i had a PLAN.
Arthur Bell commented: Eames, we need to talk. Meet me behind the bike shed after gym class.

Jack Eames changed his status to: if i disapear from fb, its cos i'm dead. goodby creul world!

Jack Eames and Arthur Bell are now in a relationship.

writing: fanfiction, inception

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