Okay, Desmond episode, so yay there. And, true to Desmond-episode type, this is beaucoup de surreal with all the cross-reality references and visions and such.
As we found out last week, in Reality A, Widmore's secret weapon from the sub is Desmond. Desmond who, in his timeline, got shot by Ben in Los Angeles and, three days ago, got kidnapped from an LA hospital by Widmore's goons.
When Des found out he was back on the island, his reaction was to quite violently attack Widmore. Which, all things considered, is probably a reasonable response. After that, Widmore says something about getting ready for some kind of experiment involving a really, really big magnet and Desmond being in the same room together.
The rationale has something to do with the fact that Des is apparently the only person on the planet ever to survive a major electromagnetic event. I'm guessing that means the Swan implosion, and I really don't like where he's going with that.
Reality B, now. Oh, boy. Well, over there, Desmond is a wealthy, apparently successful "right-hand man" for Widmore, jetting all over the world and fixing stuff for him. It looks like he has everything he could want, Widmore's approval included.
Oh, by the way. In this reality, Widmore's married to Ms.Hawking, and Dan's a musician who knows nothing about physics. Which sounds oddly... perfect, huh?
Now, Dan-the-musician is a classical pianist or something, and has this idea of blending his music with rock music. Specifically, Driveshaft. But Mrs Hawking-Widmore doesn't trust Charlie not to get himself arrested or whatever before the performance, so Des gets lumbered with babysitting duty. That didn't really go so well... Charlie ends up telling him a few interesting things about a Near-Death Experience he had on the plane when he was choking. An NDE in which he saw... a blonde woman that he loved that I think we can assume is Claire. Anyway, Des was... sceptical, right up to the point where Charlie drove his car into the sea, and while they were both underwater, Des had a flash back to the "Not Penny's Boat" scene from way back, and then when he was in the hospital getting an MRI (oh look, more giant magnets) he had a whole bunch of flashes of Penny, baby Charlie... Reality A stuff, basically.
OK, long story short, Charlie runs off, Des has to go explain to Mrs Hawking-Widmore that Driveshaft won't be appearing. Mrs H-W is weirdly nice... at first. As he's leaving, Des hears some random staff type people discussing the event's guest list, on which is a PENNY MILTON.
(I spy a symbolic name... Milton? Paradise Lost? Yeah...)
So, Des tries to find out about her. Mrs H-W turns weird and scary and tells him that "whatever he's looking for, stop". It would appear that she really doesn't want him to find RB-Penny. He's about to leave with George (Minkowski) the awesome chauffeur when Dan Faraday Widmore gets his attention. Dan tells him a little story about how he had his love-at-first-sight experience when he saw this pretty redhead who works at the nearby museum (*cough*Charlotte*cough*), and then says that not long again, he wrote down a bunch of physics stuff in a notebook that he didn't understand. Stuff that Reality-A Dan would absolutely have known. And it turns out that - of everyone involved - the one person who knows what happened (right now) is Dan.
Makes a weird kind of sense, that. Anyway, Des has a lot to think about, and when he goes back to George the Chauffeur he asks for a copy of the passenger manifest for Flight 815. I think he's going to show the RB-ers something of RA. I'm worried. But I have more to say... see, something really awesome happens too. Dan ALSO tells him that Penny "Milton" isn't an idea or a figment of his imagination or whatever... she's Dan's half-sister, and Dan knows where she is.
She turns out to be doing a tour de stade at the same stadium where, in RA, Des met Jack that time. He introduces himself, it's all very awkward, they shake hands... and he faints.
While he's out in RB, we zip back to RA, where it turns out that he survived the experiment with the magnet. He then tells Widmore that he'll do whatever it is that Widmore wants him to do. That worries me, because, um, WIDMORE?
(He wakes up in RB to a confused Penny-M, is adorably awkward, and asks her out for coffee. It was AWESOME.)
Finally in RA, Zoe and some of the goons are moving him... somewhere, when they get ambushed by the increasingly creepy Sayid. I'm guessing Smocke is aware of Des and knows that he's an important part of what's going to happen, and sent Sayid to grab him. Not good.
So, ideas:
1. Somehow, Reality-B is a sort of... idealised version of Reality-A. But there's something else here too. So far, every flashsideways has shown that their lives in R-B are good, that they have everything they could possibly want... except for one thing. None of them appear to be in love, or even in real relationships with anyone.
Jack - divorced (probably) from currently-unknown mother of David
Kate - fugitive, alone. Not with Jack/Sawyer/Kevin/Tom/anyone else.
Claire - alone, not with Charlie
Charlie - not with Claire, possibly suicidal
Sayid - Nadia married his brother
Jin and Sun - having an affair but NOT MARRIED
Desmond - seemingly perfect life, but no Penny
Ben - no Annie
Daniel - has seen Charlotte but never met her
Charlotte - fling with Sawyer ended badly
Sawyer - no Kate, no Juliet.
Miles - unknown
Hurley - unknown
So, basically... RB looks perfect. Everyone has some degree of happiness. But there appears to be a distinct lack of relationships, of couples, of love.
I have a feeling that somehow, this is going to be important.
Also, that sacrifice Widmore needs Desmond to make? I think I know what it is. I think it's Penny - and, by extension, true love. I have no clue what that means but... well, we'll see. Maybe I'm wrong.