I've seen eps 1-8 of season one so far. Still loving it so, so much.
Over the course of these episodes, I've decided on something:
1. Jax, Tara and Hale all appear to be roughly the same age.
2. Jax and Tara were highschool sweethearts.
3. ...so, my brain decided that the three of them were all in highschool together, and that while Jax/Tara was happening poor, nerdy, teenage!Hale was hanging around being largely invisible and having a crush on Tara.
That developed into the idea that *now*, with the three of them grown-up and all still in Charming (or back in Charming, for Tara), the Hale/Tara pairing would be kinda awesome.
(On the other hand, I have the rest of S1 and all of S2 to watch. This could get jossed really easily...)