Well, first thing... this icon is technically inaccurate now... :(
Oh well.
We already met Reality-B Ben, back in "The Substitute"... but that was for all of three seconds right at the end. This ep... we really do get to know him a lot better.
The biggest surprise is... he's nice. Properly a nice, decent, considerate person. OK, he has a teeny devious streak, but he jettisoned his blackmail plan the second he found out that Alex would get hurt if he went through with it.
Also, YAY, Bonus!Alex... and not so yay, Bonus!Arzt. Seriously, does Daniel Roebuck really not have anything else to do? ANYTHING? (besides annoy us, obvs)
One other thing: The first scene of this ep, R-B Ben was teaching a class about Napoleon's exile on Elba. Seeing as this is LOST, and nothing on this show is a coincidence... I have a really strong feeling that there's a Napoleon = Smocke, Elba = The Island comparison waiting to be made here.
Over in Reality-A:
1. What exactly was Ilana's connection to Jacob?
2. ....okay, Ilana knows about the candidates. Hmmm. Does Richard know? That would be interesting to know.
3. WHOA. Jack found some braincells. And some balls.
Or, possibly he just lost the will to live and is heading for suicidal like Richard. IDEK.
4. Oh, Hugo. Never, ever, ever, ever change. Ever.
5. Right, let's see... Jacob touched Richard, in a non-creepy way. This is regarded as a "gift" and means that Richard doesn't age and can't die unless someone else kills him.
Seeing as Jacob touched a lot more people than just Richard... I'm guessing the same rule applies to them.
This means that all of the "candidates" that Jacob touched are in the same situation as Richard. Actually, that may explain the fact that Sayid's still breathing...
Also: I think this fits in with a previous theory I had about Jacob and about people he had/hadn't brought to the Island. My theory was that Jacob had a plan for the Island, and brought people to the Island to fulfil it... but OTHER PEOPLE ended up there too, people he didn't choose (OR TOUCH).
Most notably among this small group of people, at least in the context of this episode, is Ben. (the others are Juliet and, possibly, Desmond)
My point is... Smocke convinced Ben to kill Jacob because he couldn't do it himself, right? But there isn't really a good reason that he had to choose BEN, specifically, to do it. Apart from the fact that pretty much everyone else was either one of Ilana's group (who are de facto on Jacob's side) or one of the people Jacob had "touched". So... people that Jacob touched have this "gift" thing that means they can't die, even if they kill themselves. I think that extends to "...and they can't kill other people with the 'gift' either". Otherwise, when Jack and Richard were in the Black Rock, one of them would have lit the fuse, the dynamite would have exploded and whoever didn't light the fuse would be dead but not the one who did. But as it is, neither of them died.
6. There was a slight case of OMGWTFRANDOMSUBMARINE at the end, followed by a rather more serious case of OMGWTFRANDOMWIDMORE. But I got over that, and I'm fairly confident I know what Widmore's doing in the Submarine of Random, and where he's going:
He's going, in short, to the Hydra. That sub is how Smocke and his group are getting off-Island. Also... if Widmore is on Smocke's side... that would explain a hell of a lot.
And finally... the teams are shaping up like this:
Team Smocke: Uh, Smocke, Sawyer, Sayid, Claire, Kate (...ish), Jin (on a technicality), everyone from the Temple who's still alive. Probably Widmore as well.
The Team Formerly Known As Jacob's: Ilana, Frank, Sun, Ben, Miles, Jack, Hurley, Richard.
Uhhh... The TFKAJ is *screwed*, guys.
PS. Over the last few episodes, I've decided that... Jacob wasn't exactly very *nice*, was he? Smocke's ideas are looking more and more attractive, and that worries me.
PPS. Richard's situation reminds me of something. Well, someone, actually... Hob Gadling, a minor character from The Sandman. He can't die either... but his outlook is a little different. Mind, he is (by my reckoning) a couple of centuries older than Richard.)
PPPS. Wow. I actually LIKED Jack this week. Not tolerated, like I usually do. Not hated, like I have at certain points... I actually *liked* him. Really, it's just a shame it took this long...
PPPPS. Oh, deities, I really need to hug Richard right now.