Lost 6x05 "Lighthouse"

Feb 24, 2010 20:01

See my icon right now?

That's pretty much how I feel.

Well. That was... weird.

1. Oooookay, Claire really has turned into Rousseau 2.0. This is, in oh so many ways, NOT GOOD.

2. Also, I had a very strong feeling that her "friend" was Smokey!Locke when she said that her father and her "friend" told her where Aaron was.

(...except that they lied.)

3. pleasedon'thurtJinpleasedon'thurtJinpleasedon'thurtJin...

4. HOLY CRAP JACK HAS A KID IN REALITY-B? When did that happen? Then again, it's becoming clear that Reality-B is different from Reality-A like that - in R-B, Jack had his appendix out as a kid, but in R-A he had it out as an adult (and comparatively recently).

5.... Jack's kid is really good on the piano. Also, hey there, Jack's daddy issues. Long time no see. Seriously, though... I like Jack more this season than I have in any previous season. I know, I wasn't expecting that either. But he seems to have matured a lot. And he hasn't cried at all yet (but then we DO have most of the season left, so there's time).

6. OMG WHAT THE FRAK IS DOGEN DOING IN REALITY-B? I maybe screamed a bit IRL when I saw him. (Thank Jacob that the parents are out tonight, that would have been awkward)

7. Woo, GhostJacob! Sneaky, and still very hot, GhostJacob. (MP should wear white shirts like that more. They look good on him.)

8. I have now christened the lighthouse as Jacob's Palantir. (Once a LOTR geek, always an LOTR geek, folks.) Also, WTF.

9. The "person who's coming to the island"... my gut feeling is saying that this person = Desmond. Who, the last we knew, was travelling the world. In a sailboat. And thus has the means to get to the Island. We'll have to see, though.

10. Er, so, who's heading for the Temple, and what's about to happen there? I need to know, because that's where Sayid is. *nervous*

11. Just who is Jack's kid's mom, anyway?

12. mmmmm, Jacob...


Now I'm off to watch more Bones, which I've been marathoning the last couple of days. I decided to catch up, see, and then I realised I had a season and a half to catch up ON. So yeah. Still, the last ep had Bonus!Stephen Fry, which is always nice. Also, I really, really need to hug Sweets right now.

smokey!locke, fandom: bones, jack's unexpected offspring, gi claire, jacob, dogen the samurai... of doom, which reality is this again?, jacob's palantir, the temple... of doom, fandom: lost

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