Just a few things today....
1. Heeeey, Claire's not being annoying. And all it took was for her to spend some time at the carnival! *does Mr Burns impression* Ex-cellent.
Also... please tell me I'm not the only one who came out of this episode thinking that Samuel/Claire is a fun new ship to play with. I mean, Sylar/Claire was bad enough... I guess the fact that there's all of, um, NO characters her own age (apart from Gretchen, obvs) to ship her with might be something to do with it. (Really, though. I want FIC. All I can say is, thank zombie Jesus for Rule 34.)
2. Oh, Peter. Even when he manages to be smart, he still does dumbass stuff. OTOH, *HUGS*.
(Also, the mutual "I love you"s between him and Sylathan... yeah, I could practically feel the Petrellicesters squealing in joy. Because apparently, they have no conception of fraternal love... a problem they apparently share with certain Supernatural fans, but whatever.)
I'm not even talking about that Sylathan-falling-off-the-roof thing. I could barely WATCH the damn thing, it was so cheesy.
3. Oh, hey Sylar. Welcome back to your body.
And: a) I HEAR TICKING, WOO HOO and b) how IRONIC, Sylar- Sylathan- oh, fuck it, we'll stick with Sylar - got nailed to the floor (not like THAT) by Peter in a manner VERY reminiscent of how he himself killed Isaac.
4. (this is from the last few eps) Angela, you're delusional.
5. WHOA WHOA WHOA HOLD UP A SECOND. So, Haitian!Dude's name is Rene. OK, fine. It's a good name. My issue is, WTF is with everyone (Peter, Claire..) actually calling him by it all of a sudden?
6. ....I think I'm in love with Samuel. I know, it's completely irrational and he's, well, manipulative and dangerous and killed his own brother (I so called that, BTW). Apparently that doesn't matter.
7. Um, that little errand Samuel sent Hiro on. I don't think it changed anything. At all. I've thought hard about this, and I suspect that the whole thing is a timeloop and nothing Hiro "changed" had any effect.
(ie, Mohinder was wearing the Kevlar the FIRST time round. Thank you, timeloops.)
8. Er. So, Samuel's promised-land-for-specials plan. Now, I like it. I think it's awesome.
I just hope it works out better than
Genosha did.