Mar 03, 2008 17:57
Thugs smashed in three vehicles in my community last night, collecting GPSs & laptops. When they got to mine, they stole the canvas case that appeared to be a laptop, yet much to their dismay, all they got was my jumper cables, a flare, & a can of Fix-A-Flat I know better than to ever use. Those dumb bastards stole my emergency car care kit. Who steals a road flare?
So I call Progressive to confirm my $0 deductible & make a claim. I've always over-insured my vehicles. It's like I always tell people... if anyone so much as scratches a fender, they have to buy me a new vehicle. So yeah, I'm not paying a dime even after committing to a company other than that which was referred by Progressive. I'm not going to fucking East Hartford... fuck that. And the appointment's Wednesday but only because I'm working tomorrow.
So I visit the MPD to file an incident report. That's how I find out about the other victims and all that jazz. Police officer takes my info to add me to the pending case, gives me the number in case I want to follow up. I head over to the leasing office.
Oh em gee. Hajji office trainee asks if there's anything she can do for me while Hajji administrative assistant attempts to land a lease with a prospective tenant. I say, quite loudly, "Yeah, my vehicle was broken into last night in your secure, well-lit parking area and personal effects were stolen and I was wondering if you had surveillance." This caught the attention of both the admin & the patron. Admin says, "NO WE DO NOT," eyes bulging out of head. Oh I'm sorry. Was I not supposed to say that in front of the lady who thought my complex would be a lovely place to live? My bad. So I say, "Didn't think so," on my way out of the office. Good luck closing that deal, bitches.
So you'd think the least they could do was get the infinity shards of glass cleaned up from my parking space and the two adjacent spaces, but no. Six points of contact later, maintenance showed up around 5pm with a broom, a piece of cardboard, and a plastic garbage bag... couldn't find the dustpan, he said. But this guy loves me. He's the only English speaking dude in the gym when I'm there, so we're always super-cordial. Here's the kicker... he lives in the building next to me, so immediately after driving by my truck this morning, he went to the office and asked if a girl with a red truck stopped by yet because the window was all smashed in. He wasn't even the maintenance guy on duty. If that wasn't sweet enough to look after me, when he came back to clean it up off-duty, he offered up his carport for the next couple days since it's supposed to rain.
My heart never spazzed, I never cried, I stayed calm as a cucumber from the point of discovery to this very minute... I always swore that if someone ever fucked with my vehicle, I'd kill their babies or something, but I guess I'd underestimated myself... or overestimated my anger. I'm actually quite proud of myself for not flipping my lid.