Jan 31, 2006 16:46
I've been slowly picking at my C&C adventure in an effort to simply get it done. Painstaking is what it was becoming. In the dark cloud of my angst at finishing it up came a ray of sunshine. I was speaking to a friend of mine (who has written several modules for Dragonsfoot) about how overwhelmed I'd become with all the "little things" I needed to finish in the module. Long story short, I let him have a look-see at his request. He was, to my delight, impressed, and suggested I might complete a couple of things and then send it to the editors. Wow! I wanted it to be "perfect" before sending it in, but apparently I do need to let the editors do their job. So, I am aiming to tackle those "couple of things" tonight and get it out of my hair for a while. Here's to hoping that happens!