NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) began on Nov. 1, and for the first time ever I'm participating. (If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, go here to check it out: ) I don't want to spend too much time here because I should be writing on my story, but I wanted a place to keep track of my word count for each day and figured this is as good a place as any. I plan to update this post at the end of each day with the day's total as well as the grand total so far. If you're interested in reading a short excerpt please go here and click on "Novel Info": Nov. 1 - 2127
Nov. 2 - 1210
Nov. 3 - 2664
Nov. 4 - 2553
Nov. 5 - 815
Nov. 6 - 2928
Nov. 7 - 0
Nov. 8 - 1822
Nov. 9 - 938
Nov. 10-1688
Nov. 11- 195
Nov. 12- 2095
Nov. 13- 857
Nov. 14- 2131
Nov. 15- 2010
Nov. 16- 1015
Nov. 17- 4744
Nov. 18- 3006
Nov. 19- 2601
Nov. 20- 2557
Nov. 21- 215
Nov. 22- 3006
Nov. 23- 0
Nov. 24- 3042
Nov. 25- 3007
Nov. 26- 0
Nov. 27- 0
Nov. 28- 0
Nov. 29- 1941
Total to date - 50,134