Garden update

May 10, 2007 18:13

The gardens are starting to look great! The myrtle is in full bloom (both my traditional blue as well as the myrtle with the fun magenta-colored flowers), the hosta is coming up, and the yellow daisy-like flowers on long stalks (I can never remember what they are called!) are starting to blossom in the sun garden. The lilacs are full of leaves and pea-sized buds- with the warmer weather I expect they will open within the week. And oh, I LOVE the blue Forget-Me-Nots my mother gave me last fall! The crocuses are long gone now (in many ways thanks to some cute and fuzzy woodland critter), but I planted other bulbs among them which are starting to sprout (again, can't remember what). Sadly, the daffodils are waning, but with everything else turning green and filling in, I won't miss them for long. And finally, but not least for sure, trillium are showing their radiance all over in the woods. I love spring!


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