Diagnose me, Dr. LJ! (please?)

Jun 20, 2009 16:32

Before I consult my doctor (which I will, if I still feel like this on Monday, promise), I thought I'd jump over to LJ and see if any of these symptoms sounded like anything anyone recognized.

For the past three days (starting Thursday) I've had some very odd sensations in my chest/throat/gums. The sensation is difficult to describe, but the best way I can is to say it's a sort of tightness/burning/tickling, like when you forcibly exhale all the air from your lungs, except constant. It seems to come and go in waves, it isn't exacerbated by activity or alleviated by rest, and it has been making me cough (a dry, non-productive, deep hacking sort of cough). It was bad on Thursday, got a little better yesterday, and is about the same today, though today I also have some pretty extreme fatigue and a little bit of shortness of breath to add to the complaint list (though it should be noted, I slept terribly last night, and had to get up early for work, which might be contributing to the fatigue). I've also experienced a decreased appetite.

This sound at all familiar to anyone? Any advice would be appreciated.
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