
Dec 04, 2009 14:48

I got sent home early from work last night. That whole "standing and walking as opposed to falling" thing was giving me trouble again. I was also having mild hallucinations (dancing brownies and doors moving when they weren't really for those who care to know) and have finally given in and decided it's time to go see the scary people in white coats. BJ kindly came and saved me from work a little after nine, and, it being Thursday, we headed off to Waffle House despite my inability to maintain an upright position for any length of time. While at the fabulous Waffle House, Rhys found a hobo. Apparently he was misinformed as to the location of the bus stop and had someone drop him off in Auburn, when the nearest Greyhound stop was really about 15 miles away in Opelika. He seemed like a cool dude, had tattoos over half his face, and said he was trying to make it back to his mom's house in Ohio from somewhere in baja mexico. She offered him a ride. Now, hallucinating and unsteady on her feet or not, Trillium was not about to let her friend give a random stranger a ride to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night alone. So, I ended up riding with her to take him to Opelika. We had some interesting conversations on the way out there - turns out he was very intelligent and just kind of wandered aimlessly cause he couldn't find his niche in "acceptable" society. Which is honestly a position that either of us could see ourselves in, so we got along well. We dropped him off without incident and figured we had a story to tell. But oh, we weren't done yet. Right about the time we passed Fort God, the police lights appeared. The guy eventually let her off, but not before we had found OLD Magic cards, every piece of important paperwork EXCEPT the one we needed, and a My Little Pony Movie Soundtrack cassette in her glove box. Needless to say, we giggled most of the way back after that. I'm just imagining how telling this story to my future children will go "well, you see, Mommy got sent home from work early cause she was seeing things that weren't there, and your Aunt Rhys needed company while she gave a potentially dangerous wanderer with tattoos all over his face to the bus stop, so..."
Anyway, it's off to work again. Maybe we'll actually make it through the entire night this time, 'twould be nice.
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