
May 24, 2009 13:00

Watched the new Terminator movie yesterday. HOMG! It's *so* good. Wowowowowow! I've always loved the original trilogy (particularly numero dos, mostly because my somewhat creepy, fatal attraction to adolescent boys started squawling and kicking and drooling at the sight of bratty little John Connor), and I was a little uptight about this new one... Not as uptight/exhilirated as I was about Star Trek 2009 (and oh, how in love I am...), but midly trepidatious. Anyway, I don't want to spoil or anything, but it's fucking AWESOME. I can't even describe it. Just... yowza. Also: it has Anton Yelchin! Of whom I had never head previous to ST'09, but holy *crap* is he not the cutest thing in the whole freaking universe??? Sheesh. Beware: this movie is ludicrously slashy. Well, my slash-seeing third eye says so, at least, and it is really fanatical never wrong. I can clearly see a solid three pairings in this movie, and at least one of them could easily spawn multiple PWPs featuring "Oh, Daddy!" as prime dialogue accelerant.

Blair Williams. Holy Jesus, Mary Sue much? Considering that her second fucking scene of the movie was that saggy old schtick, 'gross men want to rape me because I'm just so gorgeous and they're so lonely, but watch out, cuz I'll kick their muthufuckin' aaaayses, cuz I'm BADASS!'. I mean, wow. She was just *so* bad. Consider this as well: her third scene of the movie began with her saying the literal words, "I'm a little cold", and nestling under Marcus' arm. When he looked uncomfortable, she said, "Don't worry, big boy, I just want some body heat." Couple this with her leathers, her bad dialogue, her hair-tossing, boob-thrusting, punch-throwing BADNESS, and we have a truly bewildering piece of horrid writing in a movie that was otherwise awesometastic on a mind-blowing scale. Now, I'm not saying all this merely because I can't abide the concept of fictional men and women being yucky together. You'll notice: I have not the slightest problem with John's pregnant wife. Why? Because she's interesting, fleshed-out, serves a purpose, and isn't a pretentious, slutty, strutting little cliche. I completely understand why they needed a character where Blair is; without her, the movie would have stalled halfway, and it's plausible to make it a romantic connection, and even (shudder) a *female* romantic connection. See how generous I am? I'm not objecting to her placement, her motives, or even her X chromosones. It's merely the fact that she's a terribly written character and a wretched actress, and her very inclusion jolted me out of the movie so badly (and grossed me out so much), that I left for a bathroom break when I didn't need one; I even went to the same bathroom that scared the crap out of me after watching Friday the 13th (w00t, Jared Padalecki!). You can understand my sacrifice.

Yeah, other than that: WATCH. THIS. MOVIE.

Now, I go to search out Terminator slash. Ha. Good luck, self. I attribute the pitiful lack to the scant number of girls (girls who aren't dykes, apologies to my own dyke half) who actually watch and enjoy these movies. Hopefully this new one will garner some new attention from the slashing half corner of fandom? I IMPLORE!

terminator review/squee

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