(no subject)

Mar 21, 2010 19:56


Has anyone else noticed how incredibly impossible it is to find a place to live, when you own animals? Everyone's all about being a responsible owner, taking care of your pets, adopting strays in need, and so forth. As it should be! I would adopt every animal in this country if I had the space for them. But the same people who will foist their unwanted puppies upon you will refuse to rent you a place to live with them!

And the ones who aren't doing that are telling you that your pets- your adopted family!- are disposable. I've literally had a realtor ask me, "Can't you just get rid of your cats?" Uhhh... no? I've inherited two of my cats from people who decided they just didn't want to take them when they moved, and I think that is a totally disgusting thing to do.

While it's apparently okay to have as many screaming, snotty-faced, shitty-diapered, furniture-destroying children as one can possibly pump out of one's vagina. My dogs are not going to draw on the walls with crayons. My cats aren't going to hurl toy trucks through the windows. None of them are going to scream at three in the morning, or throw food all over the kitchen. Why are pet owners punished with hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in security deposits, while human breeders get pitied and given deals? If that were all it was, I'd gladly pay extra to have my animals with me, but finding anywhere at all that will give you more than "Small dog or cat negotiable" is fricking impossible. Even people who own animals themselves and would never give them up refuse to rent to us.


land lords are fucking tools, i need a place to live!, rant alert

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