Bild узнал о переговорах по переносу «Евровидения-2017» из Киева в Москву Организаторы «Евровидения» ведут переговоры о возможном переносе конкурса в 2017 году в Россию. Об этом сообщает немецкое издание Bild со ссылкой на источник в оргкомитете
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Но я бы на месте компетентных органов по быстренькому бы сейчас этих подпольных переговорщиков выявил - и в ГУЛАГЪ. Если только конкурс не будет перенесен в Крым, и чтобы первым номером певица ртом Джамала (или как ее там) станцевала и спела Калинку-малинку, аккомпанируя себе на балалайке.
Почему интересуюсь -- вот из-за этого:
6.272 Second, key elements of Mr Kovtun’s account have been refuted by C2 and by Dr Shadrin, whose evidence on these matters I accept. C2 was not Mr Kovtun’s
“friend”. C2 said that they had never been friendly whilst they were working together - for the understandable reason that they did not speak a common language - and that by November 2006 they had not been in any form of contact for six years. C2 also denied that there had ever been any planned meeting between him and Mr Kovtun at 4.00-5.00pm on 1 November 2006. He further denied that when Mr Kovtun called him on 1 November he had suggested that Mr Kovtun come to meet him at a location that was three or four hours travel away from central London. He said that he did not suggest meeting Mr Kovtun at all, he simply told him that he was busy. And even if he had asked Mr Kovtun to come and meet him where he was that day - in Stratford - C2 said, and he was plainly correct in this, that ( ... )
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