Aug 11, 2010 17:04
Офис премьер-министра, видимо, решил как-то разнообразить свои сообщения. Сегодня прислали сообщение о встрече Митчелла-Биби в форме диалога. Прессе, видимо, предлагается зачитывать по ролям. Ясчитаю, это креативно. Вот, я сразу сюда потащила:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: It's good to see you again.
George Mitchell: It's good to see you too.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: I look forward to our talks. Shall we get on with it?
George Mitchell: Go ahead.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: No, no, I'm saying let's get on with the talks. That's my whole message.
George Mitchell: That's fine. Go ahead. That's the shortest statement you've made since September.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: I've been saying that. It's a summation of what I've been saying for a year and a half. Let's get on with it. Let's remove all the pre-conditions and all the conditions and just get on to direct talks. That was my suggestion.
George Mitchell: Well we share your objective as you know and we'll continue our efforts with you and with President Abbas to try to bring that about, to move forward toward our common objective of comprehensive peace in the region and I look forward to our discussions today in furtherance of those goals.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Let's get on with it.
George Mitchell: Alright.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Thank you. Thank you.