"Am I wrong?" "You're not wrong Walter, you're just an ASSHOLE!"

Jan 26, 2013 17:50

Sooooo the day before yesterday, they arrested a guy at the hippy grocery store down the block from where I work. He was upset that the price of vegetables was too high, so naturally he did what any normal, red-blooded American would do: say he had a gun and he was going to kill them. The chief of police himself, who just happened to be nearby, grabbed him and yes, he indeed had a loaded .32 revolver concealed on his person.

Is the hippy grocery store overpriced? Oh yeah. But, like... there's a certain point when everyone needs to stop and ask themselves: what is my reaction doing for me? Are death threats an improvement on my situation? Are years in prison a proportional sacrifice to the jeopardy of overpaying for my sweet potato squash? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess this guy probably had other issues going on, but still, if I could share just one piece of advice with people (and customers...), it would be this: you are going to die someday, and everything you care about is stupid.

Excuse me while I re-watch The Big Lebowski.

this place, super happy fun police time, special people, ideas

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