Halloween Report '07

Nov 02, 2007 21:44

It's a goat skull.

Brighter but less dramatic.

I don't know why people scrape out the inside of their pumpkins.

He's angry because he's a dumb, wrinkly, lopsided pepper.

And now he's dead.

For the trick-or-treaters I arranged all my spooky masks around the door, then turned off the lights, lit some candles, and put on the title theme from House on Haunted Hill. Door duty is boring, so I left the front door open and watched Halloween IV in the adjoining room with a motion sensing camera monitoring the doorway. I rigged a remote controlled fog machine behind my Serigala mask, which was also sitting above the candy bowl, so people had to reach in through the candle-lit curtain of hair and get suddenly enfogged with fog. Bwaa ha ha ha, and so on.

It worked really well… the one time it worked. Only two groups of people came to the door, at about the same time. They were both creeped out and afraid to come in, and the first group of teenage girls screamed when the machine went off, which was satisfying even though they took all the candy in the bowl (I only left a third of it out for that reason). But the machine over/underheated and didn't fire for the second, much younger group. Sad. No one else came, so I'm left with a massive candy surplus… which I'll add to the candy from last Halloween.

Afterward I put on that white fox mask costume and walked up and down State Street for a couple hours. There were a lot of people dressed up, many of them dressed as hobos. I decided to call myself Saint Christopher if anyone asked; the patron of travel who had the head of a dog and ate human flesh before being baptized. One skull-faced girl did ask ("That's so awesome! AWESOME! I have to know who and what you are!"), but crossed the crosswalk before I said anything. Sad.

Otherwise people were almost universally disturbed, with some notable reactions:

-"Oh God, don't look at me!"
-A guy reassuring his girlfriend that I had a candle, and not a gun.
-"It's Peter Rabbit! I had a nightmare about you! No wait it's a wolf!"
-Some warm compliments from drag queens.
-A drunk girl hitting me in the snout.
-A marine offering to buy me a drink.
-A girl in a red corset walking over and hugging me.

I should've stayed out more and done the social thing for once, but I was tired and poorly ventilated. The next day I woke up uselessly early for the post-Halloween sale. Most stuff had been cleared out already, leaving only unintentionally creepy children's costumes such as "harem girl," "nude bodysuit," and some kind of fishnet goth-bondage thing. I spent entirely too much money gathering bits for another costume I might wear to FC if I can afford it, but I'm missing a crow face. You'd think a cheap, plain bird mask would be easy to find, but it's retardedly difficult, even online.

photographic evidence, costume, halloween

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