Titan A.E. and the word of the day

Oct 23, 2004 17:58

Saw a used copy of the Titan DVD on sale in a video game store. Having never seen it and having heard good things about it, I decided to buy it.

Meh. Weak story and character development, out-of-place alternative rock music, a single but significant case of inappropriate voice acting (the perpetually perky Janeane Gerofalo for the perpetually gruff Stith character), and use of the "who's your daddy?" line (though it might have been fresher in 2000). Probably more impressive on the big screen with surround sound to bring out its nice (for the time) special effects. Good animation, if exaggerated. Otherwise... meh. Forgettable.

Today's dictionary word is "callipygian", used (and misspelled) by Ebert in his review of the movie in reference to the alien Stith. I didn't know the English language had such elegant sounding words to disguise such vulgarity. This intrigues me.


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