Well... after 10 years of lizardness, tomorrow I'll be giving my uromastyx away. I never have time to pay enough attention to him anymore, and facing an uncertain future and very uncertain living situation keeping an animal with particular environmental needs is problematic and limits my options. And while I'd still rather keep him all the same, I also need to think about about what's best for him, which isn't sitting in a little box in the corner of the room being ignored month after month, depressingly scraping against the walls to be let out which never happens anymore (because there's nowhere to put him and he never sits still and he always poops and cleaning up is a whole project and just... a murder snake is honestly simpler). I met a reptile aficionado from another branch of my job who already owns a baby uro (and used to breed bearded dragons, but is down to just one now) and who without provocation enthusiastically described extensive knowledge and care techniques and even builds custom cages professionally, so I'm believing he'll be in good hands. I would've preferred to have someone I knew so I could at least hear about how he's doing from time to time, but it is incomprehensibly difficult to find people who want a free adorable lizard.
I wanted to take a bunch of pictures beforehand, but my camera has recently decided neither of its batteries holds greater than 10 seconds of charge.
So here's a short look back, instead. Anyhow, I'd better call it quits before I talk myself out of it.
So long, buddy.