So, as you might know, my pony Topanga has been having feet issues as a result of a bad farrier visit she had. In a nutshell, he cut her too short and overall, used the wrong technique for a foundered horse. Well, tomorrow, she's getting her feet done again! And hopefully, it'll make her feel better! So keep us in your prayers! Or just hope that everything goes right! I've been spending a ton of time pampering her and trying to make her feel as good as possible these past two weeks at any time I can spend out at the farm. I'm going back to school soon, and I want my baby to feel better and know how much I love her. When I came to her pasture on Saturday before I had to leave to say goodbye after a few hours with her, she whinnied at me, and so I of course said goodbye to her. Today, I had left her for a moment (the first time at all today since I got there) to fill her hay net with some hay, and she literally watched me, turning her head around to keep staring at me, as I left her pasture. When I came back with the hay, she perked her ears forward and called to me. . . :) I loves my baby girl. And she got major jealous when her pasture mate mini who's had foot problems too, Itsy, tried to play with me today. My baby girl turned away from me and just started kicking. I knew she'd turned away so that I didn't get hit, but it still made my life flash before my eyes a little. lol and another girl said SHE saw my life flash before her eyes, too. Topanga at that point walked (slowly, since she'd done gone and kicked and worn her legs out again) up behind me and gave me kisses. Daww! I love my sweet diva of a baby!!! So, please, hope that the farrier does what he needs to tomorrow. I just want her to feel better. . . I love you, my sweet girl!
this video was taken last Friday. ;)
I love you so much, sweet girl!